Som bekant för gamla läsare är Insurgency ett av de där halv-realistiska förstapersons skjutarna som jag älskar så mycket av någon anledning. Utvecklarna New World Interactive jobbar för fullt på den kommande uppföljaren Insurgency: Sandstorm som förväntas släppas senare i år. Dock meddelar nu Lead Game Designer Michael Tsarouhas att de tänkta enspelareläget kommer att slopas till fördel av att hålla deadlinen för 2018 samt att polera så mycket de går på de befintliga Coop- och flerspelarläget. Nedan följer några utdrag från Michaels inlägg om de kommande förändringarna i utvecklingen, även lite av de trailers och klipp som släppts hittills.
”As a team we have decided to make some shifts in the direction of Insurgency: Sandstorm. To start, the single player and cooperative story has been canceled for release, and will be considered again at a later date. This is due to its high production requirements and our commitment to deliver to our fans in 2018. The story was a very exciting and new opportunity for us as a team, but we felt we had to make a choice. At this moment it’s more important to us that we deliver a full multiplayer and coop experience that improves on Insurgency; one that is true to our style and what we feel we do best. We know to some of you this decision may be unexpected, and we’re sad to share this news, but this was a shift our team felt we needed to make.
The setting of Insurgency: Sandstorm has been developed further. Though we initially wanted to portray particular contemporary real world conflicts, we actually found this approach restrictive of our design and, admittedly, sensitive. Instead, our conflict is fictionalized, but draws inspiration from various modern real world insurgencies. This is in regards to environment, gameplay, characters, vehicles, equipment, weapons, etc. It’s inspiration that is mostly aesthetic and not tied down by any one region. Having this approach allows us to focus our resources on creating a fun and atmospheric hardcore multiplayer experience. It also provides robust options for character customization, post-release level content, community modding, and other aspects.”
– Michael Tsarouhas
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